May 8, 2010

Closing down

Nobody posts or comments anymore, so I'm thinking of giving in and closing my blog. Is it a good idea? I don't mean to leave the very few of you who still post or comment, but it's not the same without bluey, Alice, caltra, bbjbj, or any of the others who rarely post. I remember when everyone still used their blogs to their fullest capability... I guess that those days are over now.
If Trili is the only one who comments on this (no offense meant), I will decide to shut down and stop posting, because to me, that means that nobody cares enough to actually even read my posts.

And Trili, faithful, wonderful Trili, if I leave, I shall miss you very much.

May 3, 2010


I sit here, typing on this laptop keyboard, passing the time until something, no, anything, dares to break the terrifying silence I have built.
I notice my surroundings. I can't see outside of the circle of light generated by the computer screen. When did it get so dark? It isn't late yet. Or is it? I look at the bright, luminescent clock in the corner of my bedroom. 7:53 PM.
I stare out my open door; I stop the clacking of my fingers on the printed letter keys in order to listen. No sound responds but the mechanical whirring of the machine on my lap. The constant movement is absent. I realize that I am alone.
I lick at the yoghurt container I retrieved from the fridge. I look into the plastic cup, and see nothing. The yoghurt was gone long ago.
Is this the world we live in? Is one so caught up in his own life that he forgets to acknowledge the presence of others? Or are we merely oblivious to the constantly changing macrocosm surrounding us? Does the human race even have a chance to be what they always hoped they could?

Hehe, just getting out of studying here. Back to nonrestrictive appositive phrases!
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