November 5, 2010


D': I just found I can't post from my iPod touch. And my laptop's half-broken. Which means i'll be posting a bit less. :(
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ Thats my mood.
I love simple plan. Epic music. And prozzak.
BREAKFAST CLUB omg i remember that movie. I just heard a reference in song... O_0
Oh, Crappppppp
My parents are home.
That means....
I'll post something meaningful later.

November 1, 2010

I'm Back! (I Hope)

YAY I'M BACK! Darya has totally inspired me to make a comeback... Maybe my blog won't fail so hard now! :D
So.... Halloween, epicness, but thats everywhere, so other people can inform you about it. Wow, that "so" i had to type seven times because i kept writing "os". O_o
Nom nom. I have so much leftover candy. Alex and Darya left theirs here. I'll bring some to school for you two poor, deprived children! D:
Eyjan min, eyjan min fagra graena... XD
There is a comb on my desk. Every once in a while i pick it up and come my hair. That reminds me, I need to wash my hair...
Dadum dada dadum dum (M-A-N-D-A-R-K)
I havn't done my math homework yet....
My life is boring, I have nothing to post about.
Yeah I know that you wanna be Canadian plz, even if in the winter things tend to freeze....
I'm going to BC this Saturday... D:D <-- It's both. I have to look at boarding schools there. Ah... High school is confusing. :P
The Brits have got the Monarchy, the US has the money...
M&M (runs away laughing)

June 9, 2010

Well, maaaaybe...

I mi~ght be returning to Blogger after nearly a month of silence. But don't count on my posting every day. I think I might re-manage my posts and send the less-than-satisfactory ones into storage. A clean slate, full of new beginnings, you know?
But thanks for everything anyone's done, I guess. (I think saying something like that is required...)
Now that it's summer I'm going to go several weeks without posting. (Summer camp, Dial-up, etc.)
But just in case anyone here didn't know, I will NOT be using my Facebook at all this summer. But I think Alice might be using it, so if I'm there, it's probably her.

So, sorry about the silence. I shall (hopefully) return soon.

But, I re~~ally hope more people will comment from now on. The posts will be more serious, and "comment-worthy", I hope.

May 8, 2010

Closing down

Nobody posts or comments anymore, so I'm thinking of giving in and closing my blog. Is it a good idea? I don't mean to leave the very few of you who still post or comment, but it's not the same without bluey, Alice, caltra, bbjbj, or any of the others who rarely post. I remember when everyone still used their blogs to their fullest capability... I guess that those days are over now.
If Trili is the only one who comments on this (no offense meant), I will decide to shut down and stop posting, because to me, that means that nobody cares enough to actually even read my posts.

And Trili, faithful, wonderful Trili, if I leave, I shall miss you very much.

May 3, 2010


I sit here, typing on this laptop keyboard, passing the time until something, no, anything, dares to break the terrifying silence I have built.
I notice my surroundings. I can't see outside of the circle of light generated by the computer screen. When did it get so dark? It isn't late yet. Or is it? I look at the bright, luminescent clock in the corner of my bedroom. 7:53 PM.
I stare out my open door; I stop the clacking of my fingers on the printed letter keys in order to listen. No sound responds but the mechanical whirring of the machine on my lap. The constant movement is absent. I realize that I am alone.
I lick at the yoghurt container I retrieved from the fridge. I look into the plastic cup, and see nothing. The yoghurt was gone long ago.
Is this the world we live in? Is one so caught up in his own life that he forgets to acknowledge the presence of others? Or are we merely oblivious to the constantly changing macrocosm surrounding us? Does the human race even have a chance to be what they always hoped they could?

Hehe, just getting out of studying here. Back to nonrestrictive appositive phrases!

April 30, 2010

Star Trek

Hahaha. I just watched Star Trek with my brother and dad. :) It's such a good movie. I can see why communitychannel was saying such good things about it way back when. Now, our strange family will lay off the Top Gear and Antiques Roadshow in order to watch some of the original episodes. XD For a very short time, I think I'll become an odd Star Trek fangirl...But not too long, I hope.

Now, to finish, Spock! Kirk! and a goodbye to you all.

April 25, 2010

News (Boring but Readable)

This is a random, dragging blend of all the stuff I want to say
Do you really want to read?

Very soon, our family will be getting a new car, something like a Volkswagen. It's already at the dealer, we just have to pick it up. We're buying it to replace our 10-year-old minivan. I'll miss that car. It's lived it's whole life with us. I've ridden in it more than any other car we own. It has many nostalgic memories.The new car was bought almost specifically so that we have a car that will fit a good 3/4 sized bass. I'm excited to get a new one this fall, hopefully from Andrew's Fine Violin Shop and not Milano. Milano just doesn't have the same quality it has with violins with basses. Next year, I'm going to be the only bass in the upper school ensemble, and I will be sitting in the back. Next to the cellos. For your information. :) Sigh... I am really sad that the Cal trip is over. It was too short, but amazingly fun while it lasted. I can't believe I didn't play the bass before now. I wish I'd gone on the other two Cal trips. But the idea of a rather small fourth grade girl playing a bass twice her size is a bit odd. I probably would've started off with the cello, like many bass players do. Hahahahaha! If only I were a cello now... Achoo! I'm not saying anything here. If you don't understand, ask me or Alice in person. I might tell you, I might not. It depends on who you are. :) After we came back from the Cal trip, all of my clothes were just a bit too big, no matter how form-fitting they used to be. I must have shrunk slightly in CA. Probably from either lack of sleep or lack of proper nourishment. I had to skimp a bit on food in order to buy the souvenir I got, a pair of red Mickey Mouse earrings that match the ones Alice have in pink. My pink iPod stopped working on the eight hour trip to Cal, so I had nothing to listen to. Except the music made by multiple orchestras. We got silver. T-T Even though they really kicked the other's butts, the Upper School got bronze! They really were way better than the other groups. And it's not just because this is my school, either. BASIS is just smaller than, say, Northland Prep School in Flagstaff. Quality, not quantity! Vent, vent vent...

Alright, for now, that is all. I'm glad you read to the end, because it's always nice to have followers. Thank you!
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