September 21, 2009

Yay! First Post!

Hi! Sorry it took forever for me to make post. Hopefully after I start it will become a habit. :)
By the way, Pipelette means chatterbox in French, which I sometimes can be.
Thank you everyone for helping make my blog pretty! YAY! (Although I might take off the Obama stickers, Anita.)
Ummmm....This is hard. I don't have a ton to talk about right now. XD
I'll post again tomorrow. Bye! :)

P.S. I don't know if the blog tells you, but my email is If you need to, you can email me.


  1. Finally! U postd!! U shuld call ppl by their display names.Hre r da 1s i no:

    Anita- Alice in wonderland (alice)
    Me(aarthi)- Blue Roses (bluey)
    Darya- Caltra (calli)
    Daria- Trilingual Bookeater(trili)
    Navya- The Tenth Muse (musey)
    Alex- billy bob joe bob joe(bbjbj)
    Wht shuld we nicknam u? Ask Calli at skl 2morow.
    She'll give u a good 1.

    Bye- Congrats on da new blog!!

  2. she should be leprechaun or pippy!!!!! hahaha. btw, thank gawd u finally posted! Awwwww, you took off the barackstar??? How could you? hmmmm sometimes u are soooooooo quiet like a mime or something, but other times its just like DUDE SRSLY U TALK A LOT.
    lol. Well, this is alice, signing out.
    Zai Jian! Au revoir!

  3. oh hai!!!!!!!!!

    iuts callii in da house. doing da carmallendnsen. if thats how u speelll it :).

    typos are epic.

    post more.

    malo shall comand u to die. wait. that one was unnesacaary.

    ur display name shud be Pip! its epic! no... pipie! cuz i have to have an "e" sound at the end or its doesnt sound right (but for alice's case its alicia)

    so eayh. and to post al u ned to do is think of a blog as a public journal. thats what i think of my blog. i justw rote whatever i want to. its my blog. i never ask waht i shud put on it or what i shud do to amke it better cuz its mine, and i do it for my entertainment. *sticks virtual tounge out at those who made :what shud i do to amke my blog better?" poll makers*

    so yah.

    post more.

    die mr.clark!!!



  4. die mr.clark? im w/ u on tht 1. Nd pipie, u need 2 post! It is a necesity of life!!!!!!!

  5. can you nick name be pipen? it sounds cool!!
    congratz on new blog if you miss a day you could "pretend post"
    to pretend post is to pretend u post every day
    to fo that u write your post then at the bottom it says post options
    you click it and you can change the date
    it is cool i did that for this whole week because i was waiting for the garba pics that musey was supposed to send me
    bbjbj out


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