January 14, 2010

"Sirius Black"

All I wanna do is post this video. I was laughing so hard when I heard it. The video is kinda bad quality, but it's the music you want anyway.

January 12, 2010

Some Rant on a Movie

I'm gonna rant about a movie in theatres right now.

Have any of you seen The Blind Side with Sandra Bullock? I love that movie! I saw it recently, and I actually cried during the film! (And I'm not a cold person or anything, but it takes a lot for something like that to move me.) It's actually based on a true story. For any of you who have't seen it, I won't spoil the ending for you, but you must see it ASAP! It is one of the best movies I have seen in a while. This movie is truly a piece of art.

January 4, 2010

I have nothing to talk about. Why are you posting then?! Because I feel like it. Oh, wait. I am being called.

I'm back. Whatwas that about? I needed to put on my pajamas, apparently. Did you? Yes. Why? Because I was told to. ...ok.

I am sitting next to a flying alarm clock. I got it as a newyears present. What's a New years present? A present given to you on new years. At first, i was under the impression that the alarm clock actually flew around the room when you pressed snooze. But it doesn't. Only a small piece does. But it doesn't work, anyway.

I was also under the impression that Justin Bieber's last name was actually beaver. That's so stupid! Like, don't you know anything? Yes I actually do. And I have to go. Bye!

January 1, 2010

New Year's Greetings

Happy New Year, everyone!
The year of 2009 is finally over. 2010 is just beginning. Hopefully this year will prove to be better than the last. Not to say that 2009 was particularly bad, of course.
I wonder how everyone is spending January 1st. I am sitting in my grandparents' rented house at Leisure World, posting on my blog from my brother's laptop. My mouth tastes like toasted crackers, and for some reason, my hair smells like paint.
I am going to have one major problem with this year. Hopefully I have demonstrated it by writing today's date below:
January 1, 20010
I do not understand why many many many many people cluster in times square at midnight on new years eve to hear rihanna try to sing some kind of thing she calls music and see a giant crystal ball fall to the ground when it's snowing and below zero degrees Fahrenheit. I may be from Minnesota, but I don't want to do that.
Today is my dad's birthday. His present was two pairs of scissors, because he is always complaining that my mom takes the scissors and doesn't give them back.

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