March 6, 2010

Pippi is Back

I am either reincarnated with all of my memories, or am a quite mild-mannered zombie, but any way, the soul of Pipelette is still alive! I apologise for not posting in forever. I shall try to get into a habit of it.
Beware of lamely written, boyish posts! It is likely that my brother wrote them. He managed to hack into my email and it all went downhill from there. I've been trying to delete them, but they tend to keep popping up.
I am sitting in the Detroit airport, waiting for my flight to London. Just to think, in less than eight hours, I will be in the United Kingdom! Right now, my inner self is laughing at all you suckers staying in school, but my outer self is too polite to show it. Also, everyone must comment and tell me what gifts they want from London! (As a side note, I may not buy gifts for people who don't tell me what they want, except for Caltra, because she already has, and she also isn't on much lately.)
There are a few groups of Japanese schoolkids walking around, probably just off an airplane from Tokyo. It is rather interesting to see their behavior in places like burger restaurants and the duty free store. It is likely their first time in the U.S.
Alas, I must go. I shall post when I am in London! Cheerio, my fellow bloggers! I shall try to support that horrendous earthquake!

1 comment:

  1. Ah!!! When we took you to My Account, it healed you!!! How nice to see you back again... gifts? I wouldn't dare ask for one!!! Oh, also, the chocolate over there (U.K.) is delicious. Get some Cadberry and KitKat from the airport. D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!!!!!!!


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